OK, lets do a little side by side comparison of the two parties. Which one would you trust to lead you? Which one will you vote for this Novemeber?
- Telling the truth on Iraq - The course is broken. A new strategy is needed.
- Fighting a smarter war on terrorism - fully funding port security and implementing the homeland security commission recommendations.
- Protecting Social Security - a promise is a promise.
- Fighting for affordable healthcare for all - Healthcare should be a right not a privilege.
- Offering solutions for energy independence - incentives for new technologies and no more tax cuts for big oil.
- Balancing the budget - common sense budgets. Cut spending and yes raise some taxes.
- Protecting your drinking water, air, and environment - It's the only one we have.
- Cutting global warming emissions - rejoin the world's efforts to stop global warming. Lead the way with technology research.
- Ending Special Interest Hold over Washington - give power back to the voters.
- Working for the Middle Class and those who aspire to join it - give everyone a chance with affordable education, decent wages and a safety net.
- Lies, Lies, Lies about Iraq. No Weapons of Mass Destruction. No ties to Osama bin Laden. No real plan to win the peace.
- War in Iraq creating more insurgent terrorists rather than defeating them.
- Tried to Dismantle Social Security, the most popular government program in American history.
- OK with 40 million uninsured Americans and a drug bill that benefits the drug companies.
- Leave no Oil company behind policy instead of planning how Americans will have secure affordable energy in the future.
- Spending, spending, spending - your children are inheriting a crushing debt.
- Destroying our natural resources and poisoning our water, air and neighborhoods.
- What global warming? Can you say Katrina?
- Pandering to lobbyists, right wing extremists and illegal fundraisers.
- Working to hold power even if means coving up a sexual scandal involving minors.
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