Monday, June 27, 2005

Democratic Party Update

While I'm an Independent voter I have donated to organizations that promote my values and ideals for the future of America. It's with that sentiment I post the following update on the Democratic Party's Online activities. Whether you're an Independent, Republican, Green, Libertarian or whatever a democracy demands that we all stand up for what we believe. We don't have to agree 100% with the party line to get active or contribute even if we don't consider ourselves members.

Instead of building a party I'd like to build a better America, but that's just not possible with the current group of Washington Republicans who control everything and reward special interests and the ultra rich at the expense of America's future.

What's New with the Democrats:
A New Website:
50 State Strategy Taking the message to RED and BLUE states
'Democracy Bonds' - A Commitment to Our Future Invest in priorities that make you proud to be an American
Democratic Party Agenda - Don't let Republicans tell you Democrats don't have any bold, fresh, innovative ideas.
Democratic Party Blog


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